I’m Randall. Some might call me a protector, but in fact I’m more of a logistics professional, historian … and when occasion requires, a traffic director. Knowing what I know about this system, it’s my job to ensure things run smoothly – as smoothly as possible.
It isn’t always easy. There are those in here who get distressed easily. Usually, this is due to some outer world provocation. These provocations are rarely what one would call distressing on their face. But the correlations with past trauma, though nebulous to others, are quite clear for those of us sensitive to them. As best we can, we all join together to help them feel better. Often, listening is the key. At other times, empathizing lets them know they aren’t alone. We are indeed all in this together. Most times, we remember this and act accordingly.
There are easy times. I enjoy playing games with the littles, sometimes tossing or rolling a ball, sometimes just wading a creek. On occasion, some of us like to play hide and seek. In this game, I’m more of a coach, showing our littles how to camouflage themselves. Others of us, like Gina, Amelia, Rachel, and a few others, do their best to find the littles. If I did my job well, and the littles listen, they eventually have to reveal themselves. For this reason, we had to place a timer on every round. If not found in 5 minutes, we show ourselves.
Such games give the adults in our system opportunities to teach the littles how to be observant, how to listen carefully, how to use their environment wisely. I know that these days, we don’t really need such skills in the outer world, at least not in the same way. But still, it helps us keep in shape, mentally and emotionally. It fires the imagination and stimulates creativity. After such play, the littles often nap then write, draw, or paint. Thanks to our magical headmates, Crystal Grace and Ishmael, we never run out of pencils, crayons or paper.
The joy for me is in hearing their laughter. Seeing their bright smiles – though they have every reason to cry sometimes – warms my heart. They know that not all is darkness. Not all is pain. It also gives the adults a chance to shine, to express our hearts in ways that matter to us all.
The only sad thing is that our host doesn’t always get to participate. The barrier between the outer world and our world is thick, sometimes impenetrable. And he is in control of that barrier. We’ve seen it becoming less difficult to cross lately. We think this is because he is becoming more accepting of our existence. And more accepting of his.
By Randall/Zephyr System
Zephyr’s Cosmos
Thank you, CDL, for these encouraging comments! As this is our first time writing on these matters, we’re delighted to know they are so well received. System management, if it may be called this, can be challenging, but also rewarding. Each knowing we have something of value to contribute definitely helps!
Randall, Zephyr System
Thank you for sharing about yourself, Randall. It’s helpful to understand how different parts support systems. I enjoy the idea of the children and adults teach each other in different ways. Our barriers have become less constricting in some places, but remain heavy in others. We liked hearing about you!